To make using Windows easier on MacBook Air, I decided to remap the keyboard with the help of keyboard remapping software. When running Windows on Mac using Boot Camp, we need to use the Fn + Shift + F11 hotkey to take the snapshot of the full screen and use Fn + Shift + Alt + F11 to take snap of an active window, meaning taking snapshots of the full screen or active window isn’t as easy as on a keyboard designed for Windows. The other issue with Mac keyboards is that there is no dedicated Print key to quickly take snapshots unlike Windows keyboards. And on a Mac keyboard, Command keys are located next to Spacebar key. As you know, on a keyboard designed for Windows, the Alt keys are located immediately on the left and right side of the spacebar. In other words, when I need to switch to Start screen, most of the time, I press the Alt key.

Whenever I start using Windows 10 on my MacBook Air, I start pressing the left Command key presuming it as Alt key. While Windows 10 runs smoothly on this Mac without any issues, there was one annoying thing that I managed to fix it a couple of days ago. I power on my MacBook Air occasionally to install any available updates for both Windows 10 as well as Mac OS X, and sometimes to learn a thing or two about OS X. Most of the time I use my other Windows notebooks to get my work done.

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